"Xin Loi Du Ma" ..."Sorry about that...Mother!*&%$@"
THE YANKEE AIR PIRATES: Early in the Vietnam War, American Navy, Marine and Air Force aviators pounded Hell out of North Vietnam and the Cong. Because war had not formally been declared, North Vietnamese radio in the charming (not) guise of Hanoi Hanna dubbed us "Yankee Air Pirates." Wrong move, lady! As it turned out, pilots, RIO's (backseat drivers), gunners, squadron ground personnel - everyone having to do with US aviation seized on the phrase and proudly adopted it as a mark of honor and derring-do. On caps, t shirts, flight jackets and you-name-it, the feared skull of the Pirates was seen everywhere. Cigar-chomping, wisecracking, cocky, not-afraid-of-the-Devil-himself - the Yankee Air Pirates were everywhere. One might live just down the street from YOU.